Features:- simple and intuitive control
- all accessible only with web browser from internet
- separated administration and customer zone
- multiuser access
- security
- multilanguaging
- tasks, tickets, helpdesks or different customer requirements
- workflow of tickets solution
- email notifications
- tickets summary emails
- incomming emails client integration for simple create tickets and solutions from email messages
- project oriented
- team oriented
- history of all actions
- work time statements
- filtering, ordering, paging
- editor for text formatting
- FREE version available
| Modules:- Customers
- Persons - solvers, employments
- Projects - with customers and team members roles
- Tickets - management of tickets, tasks, helpdesks, bugs, ...
- Work statements
- Invoices - create and generate to PDF, send by email
- History log
- Emailing
- Incomming email client
- Customer zone
- Admin section - internal zone